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三菱在日本发布Colt Ralliart R版本
2013/8/28 23:24:17

车身小而轻,搭载一台动力强劲的1.5升涡轮增压引擎的三菱Colt R版Ralliart新近在东京发布。这辆R版Colt Ralliart 是Colt高性能家族中最新的,也是动力最强劲的一款车。三菱已经向日本市场推出了面向飙车一族的Ralliart Colt,同时还向欧洲市场投放了Colt 1.5 CZT,这两款车都搭载了1.5升涡轮增压引擎并采用前轮驱动。R版Ralliart仍旧保留了1.5升MIVEC 涡轮增压但采用了新引擎和更大的排气管。它与CZT版本一样功率为154马力,但扭矩增加了8磅-英尺为155磅-英尺,进一步增加了车辆的操控灵活性。另外该车的车身刚性也增加了30%。

Mitsubishi Colt Ralliart Version-R Launches in Tokyo
Small, light and with a punchy 1.5-liter turbo under the hood, Mitsubishi's Colt Ralliart Version-R is the new kid on the block in Tokyo.

The Version-R is the latest and hottest member of the Colt performance club. Mitsubishi already markets an enthusiast-based Ralliart Colt in Japan, as well as a Colt 1.5 CZT in Europe, both with 1.5-liter turbo power and front-wheel drive.

The Ralliart Version-R keeps the 1.5-liter MIVEC turbo but has new engine mapping and a bigger exhaust. It has the same 154 horsepower as the CZT, but torque is 8 pound-feet stronger at 155 lb-ft, for meatier drivability. Mitsubishi has also increased body stiffness by 30 percent.
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