奔驰S级项目经理尤韦?恩斯特伯格(Uwe Ernstberger)透露奔驰将推出S级电动车。他在接受《Top Gear》采访时透露,“未来将推出S级纯电动车”不过,该车在目前来看仍遥不可及,他解释说:“我们目前正在开发容量足够大的电池以便能适用于这款车,因为,作为S级车型,不可能仅仅为了能适用电力驱动就牺牲所有舒适性配置。”恩斯特伯格还透露,S级将成为自动驾驶车项目的候选车型,但目前车厂仍在讨论在短期内这项技术究竟能取得多大进展。虽然恩斯特伯格拒绝透露S级是否会增加更多衍生车型,但奔驰设计主管瓦格纳(Gordon Wagener)表示:“我们已经有了一辆漂亮的轿跑车(指奔驰S级轿跑车),而S级敞篷车的传言甚嚣尘上也就是很自然的事了。”
Mercedes to offer an S-Class EV
In a recent interview, Dr Uwe Ernstberger revealed Mercedes will offer an S-Class EV.
Speaking to Top Gear, Ernstberger confirmed "a complete electric car will be done in the future." However, the model is likely a ways off as he explained "We have to work on the capacities of the batteries to get a better package in the car because you do not want to lose all the comfort features of an S-Class for transporting a battery only."
Ernstberger also revealed the S-Class is a natural candidate for an advanced autonomous driving system but the company is still debating on how far they can push the technology in the short term.
While Ernstberger declined to talk about additional S-Class variants, Mercedes design chief Gordon Wagener said "We already have such a big beautiful coupe [the S-Class Coupe], so let rumors of an S-Class Cabriolet rise."