雪铁龙宣布,计划在日内瓦车展发布新款C1。不过,车厂拒绝发布该车图片和细节,但形容这款车获得“重生”,是一款“重新设计的旗舰车型”。虽然这显得有点语焉不详,但C1在设计上很有可能深受标致108影响。这意味着预计该车将采用时尚的掀背车造型,这将比其前代车型更具吸引力。新车动力系统选择仍不清楚,但很可能包括一台1.0升三缸引擎,功率51千瓦/68马力,另外还有一台1.2升三缸PureTech VTi引擎,功率61千瓦/82马力。
2014 Citroen C1 confirmed for Geneva
Citroen has announced plans to introduce the new C1 at the Geneva Motor Show.
The company declined to release pictures or details but described the car as a "renewal" and a "reworking of a flagship model."
That's not much to go on but the C1 will likely be heavily influenced by the Peugeot 108. This means we can expect a stylish hatchback that is far more attractive than its predecessor.
Engine options remain unconfirmed but will likely include a 1.0-liter three-cylinder with 68 bhp (51 kW) and a 1.2-liter three-cylinder PureTech VTi with 82 bhp (61 kW).