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2014/2/4 9:18:36


 丰田高管近日披露了下一代普锐斯更多细节,该车将作为2015款车型发布。普锐斯第四代车型将搭载动力更强,更轻的锂电池和更高效汽油引擎。相对于现行版最大38.5%的热效率,新车热效率达到40%。更高的热效率可以使内燃机聚集更多能量用于驱动车轮,同时热能损失更小。该车将采用丰田TGNA(Toyota New Global Architecture,丰田新全球架构)平台,而据丰田设计人员介绍,该车从内到外都将采用渐进式改款。2015款普锐斯——很可能所有车型都采用TGNA平台——的重心更低,这有助于提升操控性。丰田全球产品经理Satoshi Ogiso表示,丰田的目标是新车燃油经济性比现行版提升8-10%,这不仅得益于混动技术的提升,而且也与车重降低20%有关。该车将于明年某个时间发布,该车将在日本生产。
2015 Toyota Prius to have revolutionary design, better batteries and more efficient gasoline engine
Executives at Toyota have revealed additional details about the next-gen Prius slated for a 2015 launch.
The fourth generation of the Toyota Prius will come with more powerful and lighter lithium-ion batteries as well as a more efficient gasoline engine. The latter will have a thermal efficiency above 40 percent in comparison to the 38.5 percent maximum in the current model. An increased efficiency will result in more energy gathered from internal combustion which will be used to power the wheels with smaller losses through heat.
It will ride on the Toyota New Global Architecture (TNGA) and according to the firm's global design the car will adopt a revolutionary design both inside and out. The 2015 Prius – like all upcoming TNGA-based models – will have a lower center of gravity which will improve handling. Global product planning managing officer Satoshi Ogiso says Toyota is aiming at fuel economy gains between eight and ten percent compared to the current model thanks not only to the improved hybrid technology but also as a result of an impressive 20 percent weight loss.
Set to be revealed sometime next year, the all-new Toyota Prius will be built in Japan as U.S. production seems unlikely at this moment.
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