2014/1/3 9:52:40
最近有人在德国大街上拍到了阿尔卑斯白色涂装的宝马M235i,该车将于明年三月上市。在M2系列完全出齐之前,M235i将是2系车的顶级款,配备六速手动变速器车型在德国起价43750欧元(约合人民币36.6万元),而配备八速自动变速器的车型起价为4.6万欧元(约合人民币38.48万元)。照片上的车辆采用阿尔卑斯白车身涂装,当时正停在德国街道上。该车搭载一台3.0声TwinPower Turbo汽油引擎,最大功率240千瓦/326马力,扭矩450牛米。车辆百公里加速时间4.8秒(手动版为5秒),经过电子限速后的最高时速为250公里。
BMW M235i with Alpine White paintjob spotted in Germany
A BMW M235i wearing an Alpine White paint has been photographed on the streets of Germany, ahead of the car's market launch scheduled for March.
Until a fully-fledged M2 will be out, the M235i will serve as the range-topping model in the 2-Series lineup and will have a starting price in Germany of 43,750 EUR when equipped with a six-speed manual gearbox or 46,000 EUR with the eight-speed automatic.
The vehicle seen in these live photos had an Alpine White exterior paint scheme and was parked on a street in Germany. At its heart is an inline-six 3.0-liter TwinPower Turbo gasoline engine delivering 326 HP (240 kW) and 322 lb-ft (450 Nm). It does 0-62 mph (0-100 km/h) in 4.8 seconds (5s with the manual) and can hit an electronically-capped top speed of 155 mph (250 km/h).