大众汽车表示,法国市场监管机构AMF已批准该公司9月份提交的收购Europcar Mobility Group的提案。大众汽车已与资产管理公司Attestor Limited和荷兰移动集团Pon Holdings合作,提出每股0.5欧元的收购价格,对Europcar的估值为29亿欧元(合34亿美元)。
Volkswagen said that AMF, the French market regulator, had approved the company's proposal to acquire Europcar mobility group submitted in September. Volkswagen has partnered with the asset management company attendor limited and the Dutch Mobile Group PON holdings to offer a purchase price of € 0.50 per share, valuing Europcar at € 2.9 billion ($3.4 billion).